more on A Primer of Jungian Pyschology

Some of the more profound Jung quotes are located in the conclusion; here they are:
"Theories in psychology are the very devil. It is true that we need certain points of view for their orienting and heuristic value; but they should be regarded as mere auxiliary concepts that can be laid aside at any time. We still know so very little about the psyche that is positively grotesque to think we are far enough advanced to frame general theories. We have not even established the empirical extent of the psyche's phenomenology; how then can we dream of general theories? No doubt theory is the best cloak for lack of experience and ignorance, but the consequences are depressing: bigotedness, superficiality, and scientific sectarianism." (Vol. 17, p. 7)

*Kant content* 'Jung pointed out that, after all, causality and finalism are arbitrary modes of thinking employed by the scientist for ordering observable phenomena. Causality and teleology are not themselves found in nature.' (p. 128)

'Jung also pointed out another practical value of the finalistic attitude when working with patients. A purely causal attitude is likely to produce feelings of resignation and despair in a patient, since from the standpoint of causality he is a prisoner of his past. The damage has already been done, and it is difficult and sometimes impossible to undo this damage. The finalistic attitude offers patient hope and something to work toward.' (p. 128) Hall then goes on to talk about the concept of synchronicity, and how Jung tried to incorporate this into his psychic theory.

"What have all our cultural achievements led to? The fearful answer is there before our eyes: man has been delivered from no fear, a hideous nightmare lies upon the world. So far reason has failed lamentably, and the very thing that everybody wanted to avoid rolls on in ghastly progression. Man has achieved a wealth of useful gadgets, but, to offset that, he has torn open the abyss, and what will become of him now--where can he make a halt? After the last World War we hoped for reason; we go on hoping. But already we are fascinated by the possibilities of atomic fission and promise ourselves a Golden Age--the surest guarantee that the abomination of desolation will grow to limitless dimensions. And who or what is it that causes all this? It is none other than that harmless, ingenious, inventive, and sweetly reasonable human spirit who unfortunately is abysmally unconscious of the demonism that still clings to him. Worse, this spirit does everything to avoid looking himself in the face, and we all help him like mad. Only, heaven preserve us from psychology--that depravity might lead to self-knowledge! Rather let us have wars, for which somebody else is always to blame, nobody seeing that all the world is driven to do just what all the world flees from in terror" (Vol. 9i, p. 253) from 1948

"Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncrasy of a living being. It is an act of high courage flung in the face of life, the absolute affirmation of all that constitutes the individual, the most successful adaptation to the universal conditions of existence coupled with the greatest possible freedom for self-determination" (Vol. 17, p. 171)
Written on August 9, 2007